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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-143

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The Algebraic Riccati Equation without Complete Controllability

H. K. Wimmer

pp. 1-12

Some Recurrence Relations of Recursive Minimization

C. J. K. Batty, M. J. Pelling, and D. G. Rogers

pp. 13-29

Counting Matrices by Drazin Index

J. V. Brawley

pp. 30-34

Generalizing the Sum of Digits Function

Prodinger Helmut

pp. 35-42

Multiplying Vectors in Binary Quadratic Residue Codes

Robert Calderbank and David B. Wales

pp. 43-55

The Class of Mean Residual Lives and Some Consequences

Manish C. Bhattacharjee

pp. 56-65

On Packing Two-Dimensional Bins

F. R. K. Chung, M. R. Garey, and D. S. Johnson

pp. 66-76

A Phase-Type Semi-Markov Point Process

Guy Latouche

pp. 77-90

On Generic Rigidity in the Plane

L. Lovász and Y. Yemini

pp. 91-98

Upper and Lower Bounds on the Complexity of the Min-Cut Linear Arrangement Problem on Trees

Thomas Lengauer

pp. 99-113

Switchings Constrained to 2-Connectivity in Simple Graphs

R. Taylor

pp. 114-121

A Class of Matrices Connected with Volterra Prey-Predator Equations

Ray Redheffer and ZhiMing Zhou

pp. 122-134

An Odd Order Search Problem

R. S. Booth

pp. 135-143